Thursday 19 November 2009

More Genre Research

Vladimir Propp researched into Fairy tales to try and work out what the 'rules' of myths were. He argued that all narratives worked in a linear way: meaning that they all followed a set pattern. He found that there were certain types of characters to be found in all Fairy tales (archetypes) and organised these character's into categories. These are Propp's seven character archetypes;
1. The villain
2. The donor – this person gives the hero information or an object to help him on his way.
3. The helper – often magical in nature, such as a talking animal, helps the hero.
4. The princess and her father – For Propp these two often serve the same purpose in regard to their function within the story. Whether being sought after by the hero, or setting the hero on his quest, unmasking the false hero or providing the hero with his reward, both characters often fill the same space.
5. The dispatcher – this character informs the hero of what is needed, or the lack, and sends him off on his journey.
6. The hero
7. The false hero – tries to take the hero's place either by taking credit for his actions or trying to marry the princess.
Due to the fact that we only film two minutes we were not able to fit these seven characters into our film but if we were to make a whole film then we would be more than likely to stick to Propp's archetypes and use them all.

However, during our two minutes we plan to use these characters:
The Hero – Although Sam's situation in the real world is much different from the fantasy world she visits. She fits the role of the hero because her mission involves destroying the Villain who would end up putting any other life in the Fantasy world in danger- he is her own personal enemy.
The donor and the helper- Comes in the form of The 'Hung Helper' (hence his self-explanatory name) He aids Sam during her time in the Fantasy world and even gives her something which makes him a donor. The Hung-helper could also be the dispatcher along with his other two roles as he could keep Sam informed and tell her what she needs to do or what she needs to get.
The villain - crucial to every fantasy. The villain shall be Sam's step-father in the real world which makes the situation personal for the hero. In the fantasy world, Sam's Step father (Robin) would be an exaggerated version of himself. He will present a challenge for Sam and provide the necessary danger to qualify as a Villian.

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