Monday 18 January 2010

Update of Progress

As a group we managed to get the filming done a few days after the coursework deadline but were quickly on track with our editing. I have always found editing quite hard until you get into the swing of things, but as we are making a film it is inevitable and so me and other members of the group began editing. From my preliminary I realised that Editing was a very important and time - consuming thing, that has become even more obvious through editing our coursework. With the genre we chose editing is an enormous part of our film and the facilities aren't available to us but I think that with what we had, we've done really well so far and despite some difficulties - trouble with location (not being able to use the same place twice), trouble with actors (lack of communication) - we're going to do well with the effort we've put in so far.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Shooting Schedule

Here is our shooting schedule of which changed as we shot our main task.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Progress Update

Our group failed to meet the coursework deadline for filming. From this we learned that filming takes longer than we though and that we need to be more organised, so next time we make a film of any sorts we'll be sure to organise everything and set out a time schedule for the filming. I learnt not to rely on the internet for communication and to wear appropriate shoes when icy as the delayed filming was mostly my fault.

The negative aspects of our filming were obviously we didn't meet the deadline for the filming, but also that we couldn't film due to communication issues as well as health issues which were unavoidable.

Despite the troubles we had I think that there are a fair few things that were positive about our coursework. I think that the amount of time that we spent on our setting is a positive thing due to the amount of time and effort put into our set we got the best out of the materials that we brought (which were originally at a good value). Some members of our group are skilled in different area's, for example; Jake took Art in both GCSE and A level, so he handled the artistic design, he designed and drew the tree we used for our setting. I took Drama for GCSE and A level and so I handled the make up which helped to bring characters to life, especially the Hung-Helper, who looked more realistic (blood, as an example) and Frankie took English Literature in GCSE and A level which helped develop the personalities of the characters. Due to the fact that we had Drama facilities available to us meant that our setting had the appropriate lighting which helped set a good atmosphere.

Missed Deadlines

Unfortunately, we failed to shoot all of our shots for several reasons. When we went to film (the day after school ended), I slipped on ice on the way to our filming location, and broke my tailbone. I was knocked unconscious and asked to rest for a week. Also we could not get in contact with Kelly or Joanne. We left her messages via internet, text, and even tried calling her phone but did not receive answer. The week later, I was still in no position to film as I still had trouble with my tailbone, and also contracted food poisoning. This is merely misfortune for the most part, but also a slight communication error on our part. We will get filming done as soon as possible, and have learnt to be more organized and will hopefully communicate better as a team in the future.

Filming Preparation

Props List;
. Plants
. Modelled Apples
. Modelled Pears
. Coloured Cloth
. Home-made tree
. Ropes
. Chains
. Make-up
. Gun
. Alcohol

Costume List;

. Puffy shirt
. Tucked in trousers
. Socks