Saturday 20 February 2010

Evaluation: Question Three; What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The distributor is the link between the production of the film and the exhibition and marketing of the product. This is vital, as the distributor could make or break a film.
The best distributors for our film would be Paramount Pictures, or Icon Productions. This is due to the fact that they are known to have made a lot of fantasy films. Icon distributed Bridge to Terabithia(2007) in the UK. Paramount films include The Wizard of Oz (1982), Charlotte's Web (1973 & 2006), Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004). These are all very successful fantasy films, some of which we even drew elements for our film from (for example, the alternate worlds in Wizard of Oz). These distributors may want to support our film due to it being a fantasy with a good narrative, which is also quite dark and twisting of conventions for the genre. Due to this I think it would most likely be distributed by Paramount Pictures due to their history of having alternate world fantasy films, however they may be put off by the dark side to the story. This is a risk which may be worth taking as the film could have the potential to be very popular.

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