Saturday, 20 February 2010

Evaluation: Question Five; How did you attract/address your audience?

When trying to attract an audience it is always best to choose a suitable option of advertising your product. For example, if advertising the next Harry Potter film it would be best to advertise it where people mainly pay attention, like on billboards, TV spots, cinema trailers, TV trailers. Whereas if you were advertising an animated children's film, the best spots for advertisement would be during children's TV programmes, on cereal boxes or doing a promontional advert with a fast food compmahy (i.e. McDonalds). Since our media product is rated as a 15 certificate, I believe the best ways to reach the audience would be television and cinema.This is because we are more likely to pay attention to adverts at the cinema, and a typical teenager (when getting in from college/school) turns on the TV. Also families often watch television during dinner, and it's often on for the most of the evening. Furthemore if the advert is not seen by the target audience, it is likely that a friend or family member would either mention it or offer to take them to see it. Cinema is the perfect place to advertise new films. The atmosphere of the cinema makes a trailer more effective, as the viewer is already in the mood to watch their film. The dark surroundings, the big screen, the loud surround sound makes more of an impact on the viewer.

We decided to hold a screening for our target audience where we gave out questionnaires. The feedback from the questionnaires and later comments were mainly positive. Many commented on the narrative, claiming it was unique and also how easy it was to recognise the genre through the change of worlds. Also people mentionaed how our piece was bending conventions by being grittier as opposed to glamorous, like with other fantasy films. Since our feedback was mostly positive I believe we achieved in attracting our audience with moderate success.

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