Saturday 20 February 2010

Evaluation: Question Two; How does your media product reoresent particular social groups?

Our media product highlights particularly sensitive situations within the household (.e.g. domestic abuse) and although these are shown, there are representations of social groups also. The first representation of a specific social group is the representation of stepfathers; usually within films the evil character tends to be an evil step-mother, rather than father. Our media product does not show step-fathers in a very friendly light, the step father (Robin) is an abusive drunk. This representation of step fathers is not pleasant and immediately sets the audience up to dislike Robin and favour the main character (Sam). The fact that Robin is extremely insensitive and lacks morals make him the type of villain that is typical for any sort of dark film and also relevent to Propp's archetypes. It was important to keep a dislike towards Robin through out the main task because without it, the relationship between Robin and Sam would have faltered and the sympathy would not entirely belong to Sam, which would then have ruined the whole point of the product.

Representations of teenagers are portrayled differently to how the media (i.e newspaper, magazines, etc.) show them. Female teenager's are shown to be curious, vulnerable victims but there are some things that parallel with the mainstream representations, Sam – like any adolescent – can be quite rude and have many mood swings (as shown in her conversation with the 'Hung – Helper' ). Sam's character in the sense of Propp's archetypes is typical for the princess but certain characteristics make Sam a lot more developed and realistic. Teenagers can relate to the way Sam acts in the situations she is put in which makes her easier to sympathise with when being bullied by her step-father and bothered by the hung-helper. These realistic traits of character are the sort of things that attract human attention and make Sam the sort of character the viewer is able to connect with emotionally.

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